When it comes to skincare there is a huge number of amazing brands to select from. It is a total mind field! Alumier for me was the one that really stood out. I initially trained months before I opened the clinic to ensure I was happy with the brand and instantly fell in love. I fell in love with the brand, the products and most importantly the results. My skin has never looked so good!

Alumier comes from the word “illuminate”
(1) To make clear or bright
(2) To enlighten or share knowledge
Not only did the brand do exactly what it intended to do it also complimented my passion of sharing knowledge.
Alumier contains the power ingredients of the industry: Retinol, Vitamin C, Hyaluronic, lactic acid and peptides. Combining clean science and honest active ingredients Alumier are at the forefront of the skincare world always pushing the boundaries and delivering outstanding skin results.
Both home care and in clinic treatments are hyper-customised to the clients concerns. Whether this is maintaining skin health, targeting acne, diminishing pigmentation or saturating the skin with hydration there really is a programme for everyone. Each programme can be tailored to suit individual needs, this could consist of two products and a monthly treatment or five products and a fortnightly treatment. The simplicity of your skincare is in your hands.
My top tip - Always have a thorough consultation before purchasing skincare. Your skin is unique to you, therefore because it works for a family member, friend or beauty influencer doesn’t mean it will work for you. You need to know it is the right brand and routine for your skin. A skincare routine should be designed around your skin challenges, the results you would like to achieve and your lifestyle. Once your consultation is complete you should know exactly why you are using each product, when and how to use. At The Source we really encourage you to bring your current products along with you to your consultation. This allows us to see which ingredients you are currently using and how we can achieve the optimum results. I’m more than happy to share that I use a combination of brands on my skin and I think it is great to have a mix, as long as they complement one another!

Taking good care of your skin should never feel complicated or like a chore. It should be enjoyable and effective. If you would like a consultation to find out what we can do to support your current routine or to see if it’s the right one for you, please give us a call or book online.